ISO 15502 Freezing point -1°C/-5°C freezing load test package
The freezing load test package is made according to GB/T8059.2 GB/T8059.4, and we can also make the package in different standard according to different requirement.
Test package is placed in the frozen food storage compartment and ice greenhouse performance test, or in a freezer to test the freezing capability test, to simulate the load capacity of frozen food.
1. The freezing point of the test package is -1℃ (Its thermal performance is equivalent to lean beef)
2. Packaging material is a thin layer of plastic, or with appropriate materials which can do medium vapor exchange with the environment, immediately seal the packaging material after filling,
3. When measured in ice greenhouse, must use the -5℃ test package.
4. You cannot use in test of testing freezing capacity and load temperature rise time.
5. M package means the 500g test package, it equipped with a thermocouple in the geometric center to measure the temperature. The thermocouple contact the package directly.
1. BND-RT01 International and Euro standard test package (ISO 15502/GB8059.1-4)
-1 ℃ and -5℃ two type
Size (mm)
Weight (g)
Size Tolerance
Weight Tolerance
25 × 50 × 100
When the Side length size is 25mm to 50mm, tolerance is allowed to be ±
2mm. 100mm to 200mm, ±
50 × 50 × 100
25 × 100 × 100
25 × 100 × 200
50 × 100× 100
50 × 100 × 200
BND-RT01M Freezing load test M package with thermocouple wire or embedded copper pipe, -1℃ / -5℃
Size (mm)
Weight (g)
Size Tolerance
Weight Tolerance
50 × 100 × 100
2. BND-RT02 Australia Standard test package AS1731.4-2003
Size (mm)
Density (Kg/m3)
Size Tolerance
Weight Tolerance
25 × 50 × 100
When the Side length size is 25mm to 50mm, tolerance is allowed to be ±
2mm. 100mm to 200mm, ±
25 × 100 × 100
50 × 100× 100
37.5 × 100× 200
50 × 100 × 200
BND-RT02M Freezing load test M package with thermocouple, according toGB8059.1
Size (mm)
Density (Kg/m3)
Size Tolerance
Weight Tolerance
50 × 100 × 100
(Quality is estimated by the density and volume size)
3. BND-RT04 Sawdust test package AHAMHRF-1 2007/ SASO 2664-2007
mainly made of hard wood sawdust
BND-RT04M Freezing load test M package with thermocouple or embedded copper pipe
Size (mm)
Density Tolerance (Kg/m3)
Weight Tolerance (g)
130±6 × 100±4 × 40±2
4. BND-RT03 North America Commercial use test package AS72-2005
Size (mm)
Size Tolerance
50 × 100× 100
BND-RT03M LOAD test M package with thermocouple wire